Thursday, November 6, 2008


幼儿园班级照,Wilmore Early Learning Village,Kentucky
消防员、 cowboy 与兽医
cowboy 与农夫
孩子有兴趣成为cowboy。妈妈就得引导他, 多了解cowboy 的历史。母子俩就翻阅大英百科全书, 一家人都对cowboy有多一层了解!

* Everything a cow boy wears helps him be a better cowboy.

*That big hat shades his face. In the rain it becomes an umbrella. He uses his hat to dip water and even to give his horse to drink.

* The handkerchief around his neck is called a bandanna . Often he pulls it across his mouth and nose as protection from swirling dust when driving cattle.

* Over his tight pants he wears a second pair called chaps. They are leather or woolly sheepskin. They keep his legs from being scratched when he is riding through cactus and brush.

* His high-heeled boots keep his feet from slipping through the stirrups. And when he gets off his horse to rope a steer, he braces himself by digging the high heels into the ground.